Friday, May 18, 2007

Hi res Transformers ss from the latest trailer

Hey everyone, ten days since last post (which was about posting via email lol) and today the newest trailer for Transformers was released. I know some of you cannot play Hi-Def video on your computers, so thanks to Averatec for making my computer HD-capable, I bring you some screenshots of scenes that were first introduced in this trailer (not scenes we've already scene months ago)

I chose 720p as the source, as any larger and I think the blurryness of the ss will be too staggering lol. Go to my gallery here and check the screenshots there. Here's a taste:

See the rest here! (choose "Download Photo" to DL the 1280x534 size)

By the way Bonecrusher is my favorite behind Brawl, who we have yet to see lol. Gotta love Bonecrusher crashing into Prime.

Remember that they are blurry like they are. You can note how only the Transformers are the ones blurry, but the background and what is not.

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